Polly & Veronica 2

About the Book:

Phyllis Green gives us, with Polly & Veronica, a charmingly-told, though bittersweet, coming-of-age story. As it unfolds in intimate letters between two cousins, we, as readers, are drawn irresistibly into their individual changes and challenges even as the complexity of their epistolary relationship evolves. Green’s writing has that rare quality of using plain language to paint vivid pictures—like a painter’s masterpiece done in primary colors. She take us readers on what seems like an easy ride over smooth, shallow waves before we realize that we’re in deeper waters where there is much more going on below the surface. So, pay close attention and you will find a lot more in this story to enjoy and savor. And, perhaps, it will also bring back some of your own memories of early kinship and friendship—as it did for me. —Jenny Bhatt, Storyacious Editor

You aren’t showing my letters to your mother are you? You shouldn’t. It’s good to have secrets. If you write to me I won’t show your letters to anyone. I meant it.” Embedded as a quiet fictional moment in the turbulent American society in the mid 1940s, Polly & Veronica is a powerful odyssey of emotions narrating the story of two stranger hued cousins who vividly define each other’s identities through the letters they are forced to write to each other, and in the process, stumble upon the turbulent sediments of their own. It is a deeply human story of a relationship forged unknowingly inside the scattered vestibules of alphabets strewn across written confessions. —Shinjini Bhattacharjee, Editor, Hermeneutic Chaos

To learn more about Phyllis, please visit here.
