
About the Book:

In The Storyteller’s Sister, Amber Holinger has mixed three genres into a perfect literary bowl, creating an original and remarkable work. Hollinger shows us “truth in pieces,” portrays Scheherazade in a new light, and molds veracity out of fiction until it becomes poetic and ultimately, unveils life’s Truths. Here, she reverses fairy tale mythology with skeleton women, flame-dancers, a “fiery-earthen brother” and more, conjuring thirteen striking poetic stories: “You are not a simple tart, their cookie, their honey, nor anything else to be devoured by sleeping giants.” I cannot remember the last time second person was used so effectively! The beauty is in the twist as in “you can be the fairy tale of your own star.” This is a book that awes the reader and makes us gasp for more. ~ M.E. Silverman, author of The Breath before Birds Fly

Hollinger’s lyrically forceful voice evokes a mysticism that laces itself throughout The Storyteller’s Sister. Each piece is like a dream plucked from the subconscious and transcribed with remarkable clarity. ~ Jillian M. Phillips, author of Pretty the Ugly
